Scór na nÓg Kildare Champions

By christinemurray06 Wed 28th Nov

Scór na nÓg Kildare Champions
Scór na nÓg Kildare Champions


The 2018 Kildare Final of Scór na nÓg was held 25th November in Allenwood G.A.A. club. Well done to all participants. The standard was truly excellent. We had participants from Rathcoffey, Allenwood, Milltown, Ardclough, Na Fianna and Maynooth, It was great to see some clubs making a welcome return to the event.

Míle buíochas to senior Kildare star Jimmy Hyland for taking time to present our county champions with their medals.

The following are the county champions from each section:


Rince Foirne:                         Maigh Nuad (Maynooth)

Sinead Crowley, Dara Doherty, Aine Mc Givern, Lucia Connaughton, Niamh Farrell, Lily Johnson, Aimee Halcoomb, Meave Flood


Amhránaíocht Aonair:         Baile an Mhuilinn (Milltown)

Róise Carroll


Ceol Uirlise:                           Maigh Nuad (Maynooth)

Róis Connolly, Róisín Howly, Caoimhe Howley, Conor McInerney, Aoife McInerney


Athriseoireacht:                     Árdcloch (Ardclough)

Molly McNiffe


Bailéad Ghrúpa:     —-


Léiriú:                                    Árdcloch (Ardclough)

Hannah Wiseman, Meghan O Brien, Aoife Moore, Saoirse Ahearne, Martha Ryan, Oisín Maguire, Tori May Finnerty, Oliver Finneran


Rince Seit:                              Maigh Nuad (Maynooth)

Sinéad Crowley, Dara Doherty, Áine McGivern, Lucia Connaughton, Niamh Farrell, Lily Johnson, Aimee Halcoomb, Meave Flood


Tráth na gCeist:                    Baile an Mhuilinn (Milltown)

Danny O Sullivan, Hugh Hamilton, Peter Hamilton, Thomas Hamilton


Club of the Year:                  Maigh Nuad (Maynooth)

By christinemurray06 Wed 28th Nov


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