A Chairde,
I hope all are keeping well. Below is this week’s update along with an update from the Kildare GAA Hurling Sub Committee Chairman Colm Nolan.
The CCC are currently seeking amalgamation requests from Clubs. Closing date for submission is 6pm on Thursday next.
The Kildare Minor and Under 20 Hurling Training Squads on Saturday 27th March are embarking on a 12-hour virtual runfrom Mizen to Malin Head and back to the home of Kildare GAA in St Conleth’s Park Newbridge. The monies raised from this 840km virtual run will be shared between Barretstown Children’s Charity and the training budget for both squads. A Go Fund Me page has been established for all personal and corporate donations. We appreciate your assistance. https://www.gofundme.com/f/mizen-to-malin-to-newbridge-minor-u20-hurlers
Kildare GAA Coaching and Games are seeking applications for coaching rolesin hurling & football for this year’s Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Kellogg’s Cúl Camps will be held throughout the county during the months of July & August. Requirements: All applicants must be over the age of 18 years & have proven experience in a GAA coaching role. To request an application email: david.murphy.gda.kildare@gaa.ie
In support of the new National GAA “Be Ready to Play” program, Kildare GAA will be hosting a fortnightly webinar series for youth coaches commencing on Wednesday 24thMarch at 8pm. This webinar series will provide youth coaches guidance and support to maximise the implementation of the “Be Ready to Play” program with their team. Please click on link to register:https://forms.office.com/r/ZtBXLuA8ju
Laochra Gael returns with six more legends who performed heroics on the field and who each have a unique and extraordinary story to tell. The Laochra Gael season returns on TG4 at 9:30pmon Thursday evenings starting 25th Programme 1: Eoin Larkin, 9.30pm; Thursday 25th March, Programme 2: Pete McGrath, 9.30pm, Thursday 1st April; Programme 3: Briege Corkery, 9.30pm, Thursday 8th April; Programme 4: Bernard Flynn, 9.30pm, Thursday 15th April; Programme 5: Seán Cavanagh, 9.30pm, Thursday 22nd April; Programme 6: Liam Griffin, 9.30pm, Thursday 29th April
As part of our return to play KildareGAA and our “From The Shoulders Up” campaign with Kildare Sports Partnership we will sharing tips to keep well over the next couple of months to all in our Kildare community.
The Kildare GAA Health & Wellbeing Committee will host an on-line cookery class on Thursday 25th March from 5-6pm. Spaghetti Bolognese is the chosen recipe. Please register your attendance by clicking on the below link https://forms.gle/pACxXGKUjJQE4bcz6
The results after the second week of the Joe Mallon Motors “MallonMovement” Challengewere released this morning. Clane are currently top of the leaderboard with Cappagh and Moorefield in 2nd and 3rd Keep up clocking up those steps!!!
Kildare GAA Hurling Committee
2020 Hurling Action Plan Review